Friday, May 31, 2013
Be honest Whatwhat
Like the post Wolfs has, I agree that i think whatwhat is lying about some stuff. Your so called boyfriend hasn't been on since the day we left for our trip. It seems to be whatwhat is trying to create the "perfect" boyfriend for herself. Also, during our trip, you said u felt sick and went to the nurse. Our teacher said that u fake being sick to keep u from going to school. In fact, you give lame excuses when we ask y u were not here at school, like "I had a really bad stomachache" You seemed fine yesterday and today. If u were faking whatwhat. you deserved to be on the sick bus with all the ill kids that were throwing up. So if you're reading this....tell the truth whatwhat. If we're wrong please tell. If we're right please tell. Tell the truth Whatwhat!!
BunBun's Crazy Love Life
Yes Wolfs I know you hate the title. But I think I'm way more of a romantic that you and Whatwhat. Believe it or not, I had a ton of boyfriends and husbands on AJ (broken up and divorced already) I still have the love notes they gave to me :). If you watched Wolfs's YouTube channel (kimberly sinn) you would come across the mv good girl. Even though Wolfs play the good girl and i play the girl trying to snap some sense into her in the video, its actually the other way around. In RL, I play the good girl, falling for the bad boy, and Wolfs is the girl trying to snap sense into me. In fact, Wolfs always sings the song when we're together. I hate u for that dude. But now, whatwhat and Wolfs have Bf's in AJ, and I'm single and free!!.........
Behind the 4evea: Faking or Facing the Truth
Hey everyone, so the title is kinda lame, I admit, but I couldn't think of a very clever, interesting name. This post is for real life and AJ life.
*Sorry if I am incorrect but this is how it appears to me*
First off, this is basically about telling the truth, and why you're are (or you are not).
Let's start off with lying in AJ. The typical lie is saying you were hacked or scammer, but a more complicated lie is making up the perfect _ (friend, guy, or…?). One of my friends-not saying who-has recently told me about a guy on AJ, who is just "perfect." But what she says about him doesn't really add up. 1) He was hacked, right? My buddy says he gives her gifts, and he gets them from his buddies-he's got no buddies. Can anyone else see the problems in this? And what kind of person takes GIFTS they got from their buddies to another person? 2) They swapped phone #'s. Well, that's obviously a lie, because AJHQ never allowed its Jammers to say "Phone #" or code it out. And you can't even say #'s in the format of a phone #. 3) He's got RESTRICTED-CHAT. Look back at #2, so how does that work? He can't say #'s!! 4) When she told me about him, I searched him up, and he didn't exist. Then, a few moments later, she changed the numbers on the end of the username and presented him to me. He "died" of cancer, and isn't it strange how just now he came back on, huh?
Now, Whatwhat550 always does what she calls "trolling" to me. Here's the definition of trolling:
Huh. I find this very S-T-U-P-I-D. Whatwhat550 doesn't even know what she's takin' 'bout! Today, on Skype (and iMessage) we were chatting about the Diamond Store, and she was all upset and didn't want rares to come back.
(Click to enlarge)
I couldn't help thinking back to when she was hacked and was acting odd (or "trolling" me) and didn't want/like rares anymore… Well, I took a picture of our conversation, when I asked her about that trippy talk we had she said she was joking.
(Click to enlarge)
No, no you don't. You became-once again-addicted to rares, my sweet, sweet friend.
Lying in real life is much different, but because I don't wanna offend anybody (not that I haven't already), I'm going to remain silent about it. Sorry :l
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Behind the 4evea #2: Best Buds :')
Hey Jammers, Wolfs here, with another Behind the 4evea. I choose this as a BT4E & not just a normal post because I think this means more… I mean, we have buddies who play in RL, but are they our best buddies? I know not all of my RL buddies aren't my best buddies, I'd say sorry, but there is no way to say sorry because we don't spend a lot of time together… I don't really have an order of 1-10 and sometimes I don't even have valid reasons… I guess you're just going to have to learn to accept me the way I am, thanks. :)
The first person I want to list is Pirat1000. I met him through Blade2468, when they & some friends were gossiping about a girl who was a huge cheater? Something like that. XD He is seriously funny and once I copied his look… We're never really on at the same time anymore and it makes me upset :(
The second person I want to list is Btsai25584, although I met her through imacutebunbunbunny in real life, she and I became good AJ friends. We started out hardly talking, and then we always chatted and lolled and stuff… She got hacked and Imacutebunbunbunny had a fight about them ignoring each other… The hacker went back on her account and deleted Whatwhat550 and me from her list but I guess that doesn't matter because she doesn't go on anymore.
The third person I want to list is Blade2468. He still comes on and is "derpy" and hilarious just like Pirat. I remember how we met-(in Coral Canyons) I asked him what for his bow and he asked me which one, I thought he only had a blue one(he was wearing it) but turns out he had a black one on his list too, just for a punishment, I think, I said I wanted the blue one and we talked it over at his den, I buddied him but I never got his bow… A long time later, I traded him a long black spike wrist & orange fox hat, I got the white bow & I think I traded it for bat wings?
The next person I'd like to put up here is heidei. I've known her since around last summer, I'd explain how I met her but that's a clan story which is to be told later.
This next person I know Imacutebunbunbunny hates, but for some reason I think of him as a nice guy… It's not because he's buddies with famous people or is always at the coolest parties, it's because, well I don't know… Maybe he reminds me of Pirat… His username is XxBlazgingDragonxX.
Shark14500 is up here because he's been my buddy for a huge amount of time and I remember when I rejected him for Nonna2222 and ended up deleting Nonna and regretting my choice forever. </3 I'm sorry Shark…
LightningStrike85 & XxQuickSilverxX are both here because they are both really nice and LS is really fun to talk with about anything. I've sorta lost confection with Silver but I know she's a great girl. ;)
CrystalRunner was my first "hunting parter," I remember asking her in Sarepia Forest if she'd want to be my hunting partner, she agreed and we caught a skunk then fell "asleep" I thought we'd never be on at the same time, but we were and became huge buddies, then she didn't come on for a long time-turns out she was grounded because of her actions but I'm not going to judge her or give you a reason to judge her.
MOBEYMONKEY, George[#'s], & I were AJ college buds. I remember everything that happened, even our over dramatic teacher XD Now only Mobey remains on my list and we barely ever talk…
My next buddy is gooseygoose1. She's here because I remember we used to talk a lot and she thought I was super rare… One day I showed her my brown pirate sword and she said her black one was also Non-member. I asked her to prove it, but she said she'd prove it when she became NM. After that, we never really talked… She's not yet shown me and I don't care.
Bestpenguin is on this list because I remember meeting him with Shark14500 on Crystal Sands with MobeyMonkey and we had a swim day... We saw so many cool sights underwater :)
Snowflakevonmoonbla used to have a witch club thing. It was so fun, I remember I had to trade her my non-rare which hat because she didn't have one, I also remember how I had a pet phantom called Lightning but it was really a (single) phantom in a cage. I remember it's flashes of light were purple too… I think my which name was Stormy and hers was Windy or Cloudy… :')
The next buddy thought I was weird at first because we met when we were both having sleepovers… And my friend who was sleeping over at my house was making me seem crazy… She was part of SkyClan and I guess she forgot about that crazy out-burst. Her username is Snoopyace02.
Link1200 & I only talked once together, and that was in my first video ever, but for some reason I feel like I owe it to her that she needs a place on this list.
Hockeystar18 is on this list because, well, I dunno… We were sorta trading buddies… XD
Cebab is one of my best buddies. We met when she asked me for my worn, I said "Which one?" She wanted to know what colors I had, I answered green & pink… But we never traded. I remember me once saying "We're trading partners" and she replied with "You never accept my trades…" and now we're just bud's.
I don't think there's anyone else who should be on this list, but I have some explainin' to do. Let's start with FalliWillcatchyou.
I'm sorry you're not on this list, you're funny and all but you're a different kinda of friend. Not higher or lower than these buddies, just different. ;)
Imacutebunbunbunny, I'm sorry you're not up here but whenever we spend time on AJ together it's just not… Right. I mean, when we do Clan-even when other people are there-you sometimes ask if we can do something else, and you're always suggesting MV's for Whatwhat550 & me to make… Sometimes it feels like you're-never mind…
Lastly, Whatwhat550. I have to admit, I am not sorry you're not on this. I just, well… Sometimes you make me feel like I'm just your trail of dust. You wouldn't understand… It's not your rares it's something unexplainable…
(BTW… I know NB is fake, it's fine XD)
Well, that's all for now…
~See you in Jamaa~
Friday, May 24, 2013
Behide the 4evea #1: Splinting up? Is it even worth it?
I know, the tittle is cheap, I copied Whatwhat550 but I felt like it and I am giving all the credit for the idea to her. I didn't feel like posting on my update blog today because it seems like my friends and I are falling apart.
*Before we continue, I'm going to use "short cuts" for names of people.
Whatwhat550 = WW / Whatwhat
Imacutebunbunbunny = BBB / Bunbun/ Bunny
Pup07418 = Pup
Snowtiger9999 = Snow / Tiger / ST
A friend of mine in RL = C
Another friend of mine in RL = J
Another friend of mine in RL = S
Another friend of mine in RL = A
Another friend of mine in RL = JP
Another friend* of mine in RL = M
This guy who likes me but is super annoying & stuff = E
An annoying guy who is annoying and likes to butt in = KT*
(J & C are BFF's-I believe?) J gave C her mood changing necklace, which she got in San Diego/Francisco (one of the San's), J took C's pen and told JP that she was going to write his name somewhere so he'll get in trouble, I was hanging out with her because WW & Bunbun were playing 4 Square-which I hated because everyone would laugh at me and say "Oooh" or "Ahhh" and I don't even understand what's happening- I suggested we should write JP's name in the Girl's Restroom so he couldn't stop us, we wrote it in their, I don't remember much after that, but I know that E had broken J's necklace by yanking it off her neck, and this was possible because E was a pretty big guy and is very strong. In revenge, [J? C?] snatched a Pokemon book E loved, and ran off with it. Everyone but ST, WW, Pup, & Bunbun helped keep E away from his prized book. Afterwards, E got his book back and there was a lot of yelling so I said "Let's do court!" I repeated this a few times and they eventfully listened. We sat down and gave places to everyone. (WW swung in and joined us and repeatedly asked what was going on, I ignored her, thinking that it was none of her business and she didn't need to know because 4 Square could entertain her). I became judge, JP & WW were justices/juries. E became the defendant-without a layer-J became the plaintiff, and C was with her but was also her layer?(I know, confusing.) E said that C broke the necklace herself and if he broke it, there would be a red mark on her neck and that they tore his book, I checked C's neck & compared it WW's neck (C's neck was actually redder) and looked at his book, I agreed about the ripped part, at this point Bunbun joined us (and KT agreed saying E was guilty because he saw it with his own eyes-I didn't believe him because everyone hates E), wanting to be the judge... Right about then, the bell rang, signalling school was over. I don't think I've said this before, but we were having PE-which was at the end of the day-and from now on and until the end of the year, we can do anything we want outside during PE. Back to the topic, I thought about this for a long time, and decided both were guilty-because 1) E would do something like breaking a necklace because he is thoughtless & is stronger than he thinks he is. 2) C & J ripped the book, well, not really JP ripped it but he had to go to out of state the next day...(I planned their punishment would be an apology to each other.) On Tuesday, there was nothing we could do because C & J were both absent. Today, during court Bunbun & I were judges, WW & Pup(even though she wasn't really in this) were justices/juries, & C, J & E took the same places as last time. We talked and argued, J said she was siding with E, and I couldn't believe this and I'm not sure if C heard this but if she did, what happens afterwards reflects that she did hear. M, who also liked 4 Square, came up to Bunbun and whispered to her. Bunbun paused and then said "C is guilty! Case closed" and ran off with M to play 4 Square. I said "I don't think she's guilty." C said "That's it! I'm not playing with you guys anymore, you always blame me!" and she ran off. I repeated myself "I don't think she's guilty." I ran off to Bunbun and told her that C was really upset and everyone went over to her, she told us that she didn't want to hang out with us and started to cry. S & A came over, and took her to the bathroom. (Sometime around then, A told us the truth, C had told them that she'd really broken the necklace...) When we tried to come in they forced us out... At the end of school, she came out feeling happy, but I don't even know if we're still friends!
*Finishing two days from now*
So, yesterday I went to the bathroom and was talking with WW & J (C was in a stall, but I didn't know) . I was talking about how she'd have to talk to us sometime because we were in the same team for the end-of-the-year bowling party, and how before she said she didn't want to be our friends how I said I didn't think she was guilty, and then she burst out of the stalls and said she heard everything and how I did think she was guilty because she heard "me" say I was on E's said...
She thinks I said I was on E's side... I wish I could say I expected J to say she said it, but I don't. They're best friends, why should J or I destroy that just for someone who she just met this year?
Now-a-days, no one does Clan except WW & me... It's so boring, I hope more SkyClanners start to tune in... :(
-Wolfs :L
So, yesterday I went to the bathroom and was talking with WW & J (C was in a stall, but I didn't know) . I was talking about how she'd have to talk to us sometime because we were in the same team for the end-of-the-year bowling party, and how before she said she didn't want to be our friends how I said I didn't think she was guilty, and then she burst out of the stalls and said she heard everything and how I did think she was guilty because she heard "me" say I was on E's said...
She thinks I said I was on E's side... I wish I could say I expected J to say she said it, but I don't. They're best friends, why should J or I destroy that just for someone who she just met this year?
Now-a-days, no one does Clan except WW & me... It's so boring, I hope more SkyClanners start to tune in... :(
-Wolfs :L
Saturday, May 4, 2013
;) Life is so Sweet
Hey peoplez who are reading this! So... Hm, tomorrow a HUGE project is due, and I', sitting here blogging. Why? Because I'm done. Because they think I'm doing work on it... Oh, well.. LOL. Has anyone every gone on youtube and seen comments like this?
Oh, I love this comment, it's so funny. You must be thinking, "That isn't funny, that girl is obviously upset(the one in the comment)." except, that's my comment. I posted it about a year ago, (click here to see the video). No, I'm not in love with Samuel, but I thought I was then, last year. XD It's so funny cause I'm just too young to know what love is. LOL! Meh, I look back at it, and I can't help myself! It's just so funny. Why? Oh, I dunno, whoever read the comment obviously thought I was older and heart-broken(I thought I was too, then-I mean heart broken!!)...
(That's it for today)
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