Sunday, June 9, 2013

A no-name Post

Hey guys. As you can see, I've changed a lot of things... I really like how this blog looks now, I hope you do too! Today's story happened a while back, & a lot of truth comes out with it. 

So my cousin & my aunt started to visit for very long times and very often because my cousin wanted to become an american citizen (my mom was a foreigner & all her family is too). Well he had learned a lot about computers and recently bought an Alien Desktop computer. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, they look something like this:
Well, one day my cousin broke his expensive headphones. He didn't know how it happened, neither did I. One day, my brother was on his Alien computer & I guess I pissed him off so my brother told my cousin I broke the headphones. 

This is partly true. I broke my brother's headphones-or so my brother thought-but not my cousin's. My cousin thought I broke his and forbid me to ever go on his desktop again. I was outraged at this. Around this time, I had this really old Dell laptop that always had internet problems so I was basically cut off from the rest of the world. :( I complained and complained about this, I mean, how was I suppose to react? 

Well, in the end my cousin sold his Alien desktop and I don't recall what happened to the Dell laptop... 

The reason I'm writing about this is because I want to show how people can react in a moment of anger and how someone would believe anything just so they can...? I dunno. But my brother lied, he never mentioned whose headphones I broke, and my cousin believed him without questioning my brother. 

Human beings are unpredictable. :/

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