Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I'm so scared...

Hello everyone. Today has been quiet the emotional roller coaster and all day I was debating what exactly to make a post about and I've finally decided. 

So I'm currently on Spring Break and I haven't been doing much, but this Thursday I'm going to a local amusement park with a large group of friends and as excited as I am, I'm very scared. 

Not about riding roller coasters, I particularly love roller coasters, it's just I'm so scared of what comes after Thursday. 

I've recently been struggling with looking forward to things. As in, I feel like there really is nothing to look forward to. For a long time it used to be weekends on long school days or going to bed, but those were a short term goal. 

This feels like a much, much bigger deal as we've spent forever planning it and my friends and I have dreamed about this actually happening for just about forever and we're actually going to do it!

I guess I should be looking forward to this, as it feels like a really big deal (even if it's not), but my fear is drowning it all out. 

I am just at a point where I really don't know if I can keep this up. I'm not sure if I can go back to not having anything to look forward to. I'm so scared of living in a world where I have nothing to be excited about. 

Okay bye.

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