Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Why are people so against RP-ing in AJ?

Hey everyone!

So just by the title, you may be able to tell that this is a controversial topic, as some people enjoy roleplaying in AJ while others do not. 

Now, this is going to be nothing like The Contriversity on Mailtime, in fact it's going to be the opposite. I'm going to be stating exactly how I feel and will be trying to bring the other side down. 

Around 2012-2013 I started roleplaying in AJ and fell in love with. Although there are many different types of RP in AJ and the possibilities are endless, I found myself in one of the most popular categories of roleplay-clans. 

For a long time I thought that the whole RP on AJ thing was one sided-as in no one was there to say it was bad or annoying, until one day I was in Sarepia Forest (for no reason in particular, as this did happen before I was interested in roleplaying myself), and two people, a boy and girl were roleplaying as clan cats. Then a girl came up to them and started yelling at them to stop and how annoying it was, and how she hated when people in Animal Jam roleplayed, as the game was not intended to be roleplayed on. 

I came up to the girl and told her they were roleplaying, as they were not actual characters from the books, mainly because I didn't understand the concept of how you don't need to be canon characters to roleplay. 

She never gave any reasoning for her thought process, and being the logical person I am, I tried to put myself in her place, and asked myself the question why she thought so. 

And honestly, I can't think of a legitimate reason. 

Sure she said it was annoying, but if she thought so, couldn't she have left, or maybe gone to a different world? 

Besides a lot of roleplay sites don't provide visual aids, rather they are just a group of people typing in a chat box. Wow! How exciting!

In conclusion, if you don't like roleplaying please just shut your trap and let everyone who does like roleplaying enjoy themselves?


I'm so scared...

Hello everyone. Today has been quiet the emotional roller coaster and all day I was debating what exactly to make a post about and I've finally decided. 

So I'm currently on Spring Break and I haven't been doing much, but this Thursday I'm going to a local amusement park with a large group of friends and as excited as I am, I'm very scared. 

Not about riding roller coasters, I particularly love roller coasters, it's just I'm so scared of what comes after Thursday. 

I've recently been struggling with looking forward to things. As in, I feel like there really is nothing to look forward to. For a long time it used to be weekends on long school days or going to bed, but those were a short term goal. 

This feels like a much, much bigger deal as we've spent forever planning it and my friends and I have dreamed about this actually happening for just about forever and we're actually going to do it!

I guess I should be looking forward to this, as it feels like a really big deal (even if it's not), but my fear is drowning it all out. 

I am just at a point where I really don't know if I can keep this up. I'm not sure if I can go back to not having anything to look forward to. I'm so scared of living in a world where I have nothing to be excited about. 

Okay bye.

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