Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Beauty of AJ Relationships

Just as a side note before you continue, when I say 'relationship' I'm not just saying friendships, I am also referring to dating/crushes or basically any sort of relationship with some one on Animal Jam. 

Also - I am not using IRL/in real life because that sounds a lot like saying my friends on AJ are fake, and we're not really friends, and they're not real people. 

I recently realized AJ relationships are beautiful. 

I have a few reasons for this, however I believe even though I don't have many reasons, my reasons are strong. 

I think it's beautiful because you know nothing about the person other than their personality. 

As in, you have no idea what they look like, if they have an accent, where they come from, and so on. 

I'm not just saying that Animal Jam is exclusive in this sense, really you can apply this to any online game or chat room/internet friend. 

I have met several people on Animal Jam who I came close to, and I would actually consider them better friends than some of the people I know outside of AJ(heidei, rileyri62, xxquicksilverxx, lightnightstrike85, lovebug, etc...). 

And when we drifted apart, I felt loss. 

Most recently with heidei and rileyri62, when we stopped talking about a year ago, I felt a huge loss in my chest and honestly typing it here is making me tear up, and it's hard to admit because I'm afraid they don't feel the same, and think I'm just 'some girl on the internet' and don't feel loss like me. 

I feel the same about dating on Animal Jam.

I'm not saying you should be dating on AJ, as many girls/boys rush into dating strangers on Animal Jam because (I guess?) it seems cool.

I'm saying when you actually have feelings for someone on Animal Jam, and they don't necicarly have to be the opposite gender. 

If you've never had legitimate feelings for someone on this game, then you're probably thinking I'm crazy and you can't have feelings for someone you don't know. I thought the same, I actually remember one day I was in Sarepia Forest and I saw someone say something alone the lines of 'I don't understand how you can have a crush on AJ when you don't know the person.' and I thought, Yeah I agree, how can you have feelings for someone on this game? 

However, I ate my words not very long after. 

I met a guy and basically I we ended up dating and it was nice, I actually had feelings for him, and to me this was amazing, because outside of AJ I have not had an actual crush since the 1st grade. I've lied about crushes to fit in, but that's not the same as the feeling you get in your chest when you have a real crush. 

I've had at least 5-7 crushes on AJ and many of them I have dated, and I would like to say not all of them have been boys. 

Now I'm not going to say I was openly looking for a girl to date, rather I was catfished. 

If you don't know what a catfish is (other than the animal) it's basically a way of saying when someone makes a fake profile and poses as someone else. 

As in I met a 'guy' and it turned out he was just a girl pretended she was a guy, and I've been on both sides of this, as I've been the one who was pretending to be a guy, and the other way around. 

And both ways I had feelings for the other person in the relationship. 

I didn't mean to make such a long post about my relationships in AJ just to prove a point, but I do feel it was important to have.


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