Hey guys!
So I haven't really been posting, but I probably should've thought about my 'promise' I made about posting once a week.
I'm not really 'busy' but I never really remember to make posts, plus around the holidays (summer, winter, etc) I travel quite a bit, which really doesn't help my case.
But I've decided to do a quick two-sided opinion post about mailtime.
Here's a bit of history.
Julian2 popularized mailtime, but I don't think he was the first. I might be wrong, but I used to enjoy watching his videos and I do believe in one of his old videos he did say something about someone else doing it first. However, I'm not sure so don't quote me on it.
Ever since then several other popular jammers have done it, many people still do it, including everyday jammers who ask for items.
Technically mailtime is not scamming.
I believe last year-ish if you asked AJHQ about weather it was scamming or not, they'd say no. Because, technically it's not. If people want to send you items/you ask for people to send you items and you film it, it's not scamming.
However, this is the part where I say I bet if you asked AJHQ about it being scamming today, they'd probably say it is scamming. This is because you could tell people to send you gifts but not actually record. This is why if you say the word 'mailtime' in AJ you'd getting a warning. (I don't know this for sure, but I'm positive it's correct considering AJ has admitted MT is not scamming.)
Mailtime time could also be seen as a way of shaming people who are not rare. Those who try to be rare and send good stuff and can't. Sure, maybe whoever is hosting the mailtime will say "Thanks so much!" but do they really mean it? Humans are greedy and it would be impolite/mean to act unhappy with the item they were given. I'm not saying people who do mailtime always do this, I'm just pointing out it's extremely easy to lie(which takes me back to my last point). It also praises those who can send rares. Often times more than one famous jammer would receive something good in their mailtime (maybe a spike, freedom wings etc) and buddy the person. I do recall once GummyUnicorn and Bepper pointing out that this isn't them wanting rares from the person who sent the item, GU and Bepper said they added the person because it showed how big of a fan they were. Honestly I'm sure there's fans out there who'd like to do this (as I was saying before), but don't have any good items, besides they could be giving them their one rare item, and now-a-days most people don't even add the person who gave them a rare item, they open their player card for a second or so and that's it. It could be considered an unfair process altogether.
It could also be viewed as a way of appreciation to fans, as in you send me something in trade for being on screen for a couple of minutes, or a way of getting a response from a famous jammer even if they don't physically send you something back. I don't have much to support this side, however for some getting featured in a video of their idol, even for two seconds, is a big deal, so I can see how some enjoy mailtime.
Personally I don't have a 'side' I don't think it's wrong or right.
These aren't all the points for both sides, just some that I think are strong for winning a debate or something like that.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this :P
I'm going to bed (it's 3am for me)